Blake Hedden, Executive Pastor of Ministries

sunday Service


As a pastor at Impact Church, Blake Hedden leads multiple teams in the church and is also a teaching pastor who sometimes speaks on Sunday morning. Under the leadership of  Pastor Tracy Hamilton, Blake is the team leader of the day-to-day support ministries and also serves as an elder.

Blake became a part of the church in 2003. Over the years, he has led as children's pastor, youth pastor, and implemented Freedom ministry. He teaches classes and leads connect groups, as well as preaches and ministers.  

Blake holds a christian education degree from Lee University.  In his earlier career, he has worked as a public educator and financial advisor while also volunteering in the church in a vareity of areas.

Blake and his wife Amie have been married since 2008, and have three children: Aubrie, Luke, and Caleb.  

  Contact Blake