Women's Gathering - Discipleship

sunday Service


 March 13, 2025

 6:30 PM

 450 E. Perkins Creek Rd Seneca, SC 29678

This year, our monthly women's gatherings are going to focus on discipleship. We are going to use the book, Growing Together by Melissa B. Kruger, as a guide to help us grow in our own faith and learn how to share it with others. We will meet on the 3rd Thursday of every month from 6:30-8:00 pm at Impact Church. All women are welcome to attend, so feel free to invite others to join! Amie Hedden and Sharon Hedden are excited to journey through this with you all. Mark your calendars for February 20th for our first gathering of 2025. You can purchase the book online or download a free e-copy (message us on how to receive your free copy). Each month we will discuss one chapter, along with opportunities to share our stories, ask tough questions, encourage one another, and pray together. Let us know if you have any questions. Excited for what God has in store for Impact Women! 
March - Taste & See: Savoring the Word of God (Ch. 3)
April - The Church: Our Home Away From Home (Ch. 4)
May - It's Good News! Sharing Your Faith with Others (Ch. 5)
June - Prayer: Pouring Out Your Heart to God (Ch. 6)
July - Family and Friendships: Loving Your Nearest Neighbors (Ch. 7)
August - Temptations: In the World but Not of It (Ch. 😎
September - Joy on the Journey: Cultivating Contentment in All Seasons (Ch. 9)
October - Service: Spending Your Life on Others (Ch. 10)
November - Discernment: Choosing What is Best (Ch. 11)
Paperback book on Amazon: https://a.co/d/a1gnJs