Impact Kids

sunday Service



In March, the Kids Team is going to be doing a series called THROWBACK! From retro toys to fashion trends, we all love a good throwback. (Especially for grown-ups because it reminds us of being young again.) There are things that remind us of a moment in time, but other things feel timeless and like they’re always in style. In this four-week series, kids will travel through the decades and see that the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels are always trending. As we hear from Jesus, we’ll see it’s always good to be humble, we can always forgive, Jesus is always fair, and love always needs action.

WHY Impact KIDS?

Impact Kids is a place where your children can have fun and learning about God! Every Sunday, we offer safe and age - appropriate environments for children. 


We have designed our kid's program to intentionally allow worship and the word of God to come alive for for children. All of our volunteers have undergone background checks and have a heart for helping every child who comes through our doors feel loved, accepted, and closer to the heart of God. Our program is designed to deeply root our children in their identity in Christ. We want them to know that they are loved, chosen, and redeemed. Our lessons are age-appropriate and full of dynamic and fun activities and games that engage our kids to truly become who God has created them to be.

Impact Kids Age Groups

Nursery: Infant through 3 years old

Preschool: 3 years old (potty-trained) through Kindergarten

Elementary: 1st through 5th Grade


A mother's room is available for moms with little ones who may become restless or require attention during service. This is a room that provides a private and quiet environment with a changing table, rocking chair, and couch for convenience.


As you arrive our desire is for you feel welcomed by friendly people willing to assist you! Feel free to enter through the doors on the far right of our building where kids signs are located.   As you enter we want to serve you and your child well.  We will take some time to get to know your family and show you around.  We will ask about allergies and collect your contact information while to taking time to give you a tour of our kids' area.  

Once the check in process is complete you and your child will both receive a sticker with a matching code. This sticker is what you'll use to pick-up your child after the service. You will also receive another sticker with your child's name that you will give to your child's teacher for use during checkout and any emergency situations.