Man Up ministry dinner
march 10, 2025
Join us Monday, March 10, for our monthly Man Up Dinner. We are excited to get together and have a great time of fun and fellowship. We will be meeting at Impact Church at 6:30pm.
ManUp Ministry exists to help men find their purpose through community.
David is one of the most iconic men from the Bible, after all he was the one that God said was a “man after His own heart.” One thing about David is for sure, he constantly looked to God to guide him throughout his life. He was always praying for guidance, praising God through the ups and the downs, and acting only when God had spoken. Looking at his life, though, we also see that David didn’t live his life alone. He was surrounded by what the Bible calls his “Mighty Men,” a group of 37 warriors from different walks of life, living on the fringe of society for one reason or another but committed to supporting one another.
It's that kind of community that Man Up seeks to create, one where men can come together and encourage one another through the ups and the downs of life to always be seeking after God and what He is calling them to do.
We invite any man to be part of the the men's ministry here at Impact Church. We also encourage men to bring their friends to events as well. Please feel free to review the website and social media about men's events.