Women's Ministry

sunday Service



The Women’s Ministry of Impact Church will coordinate and facilitate ministry opportunities for women of Impact Church as well as our surrounding community. This will include fellowship, discipleship, and service opportunities inside and outside the church.

We believe you have a place here.  Through community, we encourage relationships that will help you grow spirtually and socially. We provide many opportunities for you to meet new friends, stay connected, and grow deeper with those you already know. 

a message from the women's ministries leader

Hello Everyone! My name is Whitney Huskamp, and I am the Women's Ministries leader at Impact Church. Women need relationships with other women, and we need community with each other. Being a mom to two young children, it is important to not lost myself in being just "mom." I enjoy being in relationship with women both older and younger than myself to learn, mentor, and grow into the God-loving woman I want to be. Through my life, I have had many great women mentors  who have helped me discover my potential, teach me to love God, show me how to be a mother, and many other things. I want Impact Women to be a place where no matter your age you can find someone to mentor you and be a mentor yourself. 

I am so excited to see where God is taking this ministry! This ministry is not just for women of Impact Church but also other women in the community. All women are invited to all events, gatherings, conferences, and anything else where our women are involved. Feel free to contact me here at any time!

                                                                                                                         God Bless you all, 

                                                                                                                        Whitney Huskamp


We desire to fellowship - We are people who want to do life together through fellowship. 

  • Supper Club is where we have dinner once a month at a local restaurant. Our time if filled with fun and laughter while enjoying some great food. 
  • Ladies Breakfast meets every Monday at 8:30 am at a local establishment.  We have the opportunity to encourage each other as we begin our week. 
  • Women's Retreat happens once a year in the fall time.  This is where we can get away together from the busyness of our everyday life.  This retreat allows us to refresh and connect together. 
  • Social Events are hapeening at various times throught the year.  We want you to come be a part. 

We desire to discipleship - We are people who want to learn more about who God is. 

  • Bible Studies are offered at variour times a year.  We also offer Life Groups that are designed for women. 
  • Women's Conference happens once year in the spring time. This is conference is designed for women to challenge and change us. 
  • Women's Gatherings happen each month on the third Wednesday. This is a time to build community by gathering with women in an intimate setting to hear testimonies, talk about life, pray for each other, and much more.
  • Mentoring program is where we have women helpinng women by investing into each others life. 

We desire to serve - We are people who want to serve where we can  point people to God. 

  • Serving our church is important to us because we love our chruch and its purpose. Check out our serve page to get learn more and get invovled. 
  • Serving our city allows us to help our community with clean up days and drive-thru baby showers.  Be on the look out for these opportunites through out the year. 
  • Serving at various agencies in our community allows us our hands and feet to implemented into our coummunity that we believe in. 


We want you! We desire that you become involved with our Women's Ministry.  You don't have to be involved in all the activities. We believe God has gifted us all differently and given each a purpose therefore connect where you desire. 


Every month we have many different ways to get involved in Women's Ministry. Whether through Supper Club, Monday morning breakfasts, monthly meetings, and other events, we would love to have you join us! All women are welcome at any of our events, so join us any time!

Impact women events

Every Monday morning, some of our women meet at Seneca Family Restaurant located at 515 Bypass 123 in Seneca, SC. We would like to invite anyone to join us at 8:30am for fellowship and fun to start our week off right. If you are interested in joining us, fill out this form!

  Ladies' Breakfast

The first Thursday of every month, the women of Impact Church have Supper Club. We enjoy fellowship and some delicious food at local restaurants. All women are invited to attend Supper Club and invite friends.

  Supper Club

Join us on Thursday, March 13, for our month Women's Gathering on Discipleship. We will meet at Impact Church at 6:30pm. Discussions will be led by Amie Hedden and Sharon Hedden from a book called Growing Together by Melissa Kruger. In March, we will cover chapter 3. We would love for you to join us!

2025 Impact Women's Conference

  Learn More